Dismissal Times

As you are aware, SSC is planning to offer an online option to students who cannot attend school due to health concerns and/or are not comfortable being on campus.  To give our teachers time to plan for online classes, we are adjusting our release time for students.  As a result, Elementary Students will be released at 2:05 p.m. and Middle and High School Students will be dismissed at 2:20 p.m.  At this time, this change is only for the first semester; we will re-evaluate and communicate the plan for the second semester later this Fall.

Since the earlier release time may cause concerns with child care, we are working to implement before and after school care for kindergarten through sixth grade students. Additional information and details will be sent out once finalized.

We are still getting feedback and making the final adjustments to our online plan, however, we anticipate releasing specifics later this week.

For those who may have questions about the recent School Re-opening plan, I would encourage you to look through the FAQ's that we have been collecting, which can be found here.  As we update our Re-opening plan and add additional information, we will post them to this page.

As always, these plans are subject to revision as conditions with COVID-19 change.

We appreciate your patience and support during this unique time.  We know that this has been a difficult time for students, parents, and teachers and are doing our very best to ensure a safe start to the 2020-2021 school year.